Top 10 Antioxidant fruits

Monday, September 1, 2014
Top 10 Antioxidant fruits

1. Acai Berry -
2. Grapes that are purple, red or blue
3. Blueberries
4. Raspberry
5. Strawberry
6. Cranberry
7. Prunes
8. Red Delicious apple
9. Sweet cherry
10. Plums

All of them have great benefits of cancer fighting and cell health. Give yourself a super-boost every day or every other day with a smoothie of these fruits!
Super berry smoothie

I use 2 frozen bananas sliced
1/2 mix of blueberry and strawberry
1 cup of orange juice or no sugar added apple juice
to sweeten add a tbsp of Honey but this is totally optional

If you have Acai berry in some form would be another great addition to this smoothie.

You can get Acai berry in different forms from AmaFruits
I mention this one because it is hard to find because it is grown mostly in Brazil.


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